Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Road blocks

I'm stuck. You would think having the first four of JT's drum tracks would help me move forward, but for some reason I cannot. The problem is I have been going over it in my head, how to record the follow drum parts-- and how to pitch the plan to the other perspective drummers (the latter is generally pretty easy.)

It is a problem with timing. Rather, a fear things won't synch right. I need some way to calculate when the second recorded drummer starts and ends so when I layer the samples they line up as they were intended to be played. I want my recording to be as close as to what the player intended.

I could bring a timer and write down start/end/durations. I just don't know. I think I need to talk with someone who also records face-to-face.

I am probably making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. Probably for some other psychological reason I don't quite grasp yet. I ask myself "What is the worst that can happen?" If the recording or my note-taking system fails, I ask the second drummer to record the parts over. No big deal. Then why am I letting this hold me back?

I just hate being unprepared.

I am stuck in other ways, also. I am trying to rebuild the music rig after a giant system crash. I have the new hard drive, all I have to do is install it. I look at my old, sad system with great duress. I am worried that 10 years of samples may be gone forever. It's daunting and I don't want to start the salvage process out of fear for what I've lost. But I know I have to do it. I keep trying to convince myself "It's a brand new start blah, blah, blah. . .I can start over fresh . . .etc." but that's cold comfort.
