Monday, August 31, 2009

Test run: arabic ring drumming with JT

I am on my way to record JT who plays Arabic ring drum now (I am actually typing from my Blackberry, so I am sure this will be riddled with typos.) I am a little nervous since this is the first person I am recording with this set up.

JT has also dropped something on his hand which has affected it's dexterity so he cannot play for too long. I am concerned that his drumming today may cause further irritation to his healing hand.

If anything, we'll only be recording one five minute piece. This may work out best anyway because I am not sure what bugs need to be worked out of this recording system anyway.


Recording JT-- try #2


Monday, August 24, 2009

Recording JT-- try #1

(I forgot to confirm-- whoops. But that is okay, we rescheduled for 8/31.


Friday, August 7, 2009

The Solution.

After much thought, I broke down and bought a real video camera. I sold the crappy one. Might as well get good quality footage-- although modifying a camera might be fun.
